Wednesday, March 24, 2010

My Favorite Tastes

Tastes are funny because I discovered pregnancy can completely change these! Here's my favorites for today:
  • When I was pregnant with Jack my favorite tastes were steak and any fresh fruit. During that early morning sickness stage I went through a week where all I ate was mashed potatoes!
  • With Brett, I could not stand meat but craved raw vegetables. I ate A LOT of salads!! However, I did crave Taco Bell and ice cream. Hence, why I gained more with Brett than with Jack!
  • My secret confession - I LOVE fast food. Greasy, fattening food is just yummy. I have a favorite at just about every fast food joint!
  • Michigan strawberries - somehow, Michigan just has it right when it comes to strawberries. No other ones even compare!
  • Any kind of mint ice cream - I LOVE March because everywhere offers Shamrock shakes!
  • Duck - one of those treats I rarely have since we rarely go to fancy restaurants (imagine that!). :)
  • A well grilled steak - we love the Grill House restaurant because the meat is perfect and the grilling is just fun!
  • A cold beer on a hot day
  • That first sip of coffee in the morning