Thursday, March 18, 2010

Monkey's 6 Month Check-up

Today was Monkey's 6 month check-up. Here's the run down:
  • He weighed in at 20 pounds!!! He measured 26.5 inches and his noggin is 18 inches around (he must be full of brains!).
  • He is in the 90th percentile for weight and the 50th for height - still.
  • The doc said he looked, "absolutely perfect!" She also said each one of those cheeks must weigh a pound right there! :-)
  • Poor Monkey had to get poked three times for vaccinations and had to drink the rotovirus one. He screamed for the shots, but was ok once Mama snuggled him.

1 comment:

  1. Yay Brett!!! And I wonder how long it will take Brett to pass Erin... who at 22 months weighed 23 lbs yesterday. LOL!
